Google's Mode Consent 2 is an important feature introduced to improve compliance with privacy regulations, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). This feature allows website owners to obtain and manage user consent more effectively for the use of cookies and other tracking mechanisms. By implementing Mode Consent 2, webmasters can control how and when user data is collected and used, providing greater transparency and respect for user preferences.

If you have recently noticed a drop in Google Ads campaign performance or visit tracking by Google Analytics, it is most likely due to Google's Mode Consent 2 not being properly integrated. Find out how to check if Mode Consent 2 is properly integrated.

Why is it Important?

  1. Legal Compliance: GDPR and other privacy regulations require websites to obtain users' explicit consent before collecting their data. Google's Mode Consent 2 provides the tools needed to comply with these regulations.

  2. User Trust: Showing that your website respects user privacy can improve user trust and loyalty, leading to increased conversions and retention.

  3. Advertising Performance: Properly managing consent can positively affect your advertising campaigns by improving tracking accuracy and ad effectiveness.

Implementing Google Consent Mode 2 in your ecommerce offers several significant benefits. First, it ensures compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR, reducing the risk of legal penalties. It automates the process of obtaining and managing consent, simplifying the configuration and maintenance of privacy settings. This improves user trust as they are informed and have control over their personal data. It also keeps site performance high by avoiding the integration of external code that could slow down page loading. Finally, it offers direct control over the data collected, improving security and transparency, and optimizes advertising campaigns by ensuring that only data from consenting users is used for tracking and analysis.

Relationship with GDPR

The GDPR is a European law that aims to protect the personal data of individuals within the EU. One of the key requirements of the GDPR is that websites must obtain users' explicit consent before collecting and using their data. Google's Mode Consent 2 helps websites comply with this requirement by providing tools to:

  • Collect consent from users in a transparent manner.
  • Manage and document the consents collected.
  • Adapt site behavior based on users' consent preferences.

Disadvantages of Not Using Consent Mode 2

Not implementing Mode Consent 2 can lead to several disadvantages, especially if you have active Google Ads and Google Shopping campaigns and use GA4 to monitor your ecommerce:

  1. Noncompliance: You risk noncompliance with privacy regulations, such as GDPR, which can lead to heavy fines and penalties.

  2. Advertising Performance: Lack of proper consent management can lead to incomplete or inaccurate data, negatively affecting the performance of your advertising campaigns.

  3. UserExperience: Users may perceive a lack of transparency in the management of their data, reducing trust and satisfaction with your website.


To integrate Mode Consent 2 into PrestaShop, there are several solutions. However, the use of external solutions such as Iubenda(our module here), Cookiebot, and other services is not recommended not only because of the high cost of these services for professional use, but also because of the need to integrate external code to your server, which can negatively impact performance and result in a loss of direct control.

Recommended Solutions for Integration

The best alternative is to use dedicated CMS modules for Banner Cookies and Google Tag Manager integration. The two modules I recommend are:

  1. EU Cookie Law GDPR (Blocker) - Google Consent Mode V2 by Linea Grafica

    • This module allows you to effectively manage consent in compliance with the GDPR.
    • It allows selective action on front-end loaded forms, blocking tracking cookies until the user provides consent.
    • Provides centralized consent management, improving compliance and user experience.
  2. ReactionCode's Premium Google Tag Manager

    • This module is great for integrating Google Tag Manager (GTM) in a simple and intuitive way.
    • It includes detailed guidance that makes implementation easy even for users with little technical experience.
    • It allows you to manage tracking and monitoring tags centrally and flexibly.

Steps for Integration

  1. Installation of Modules:

    • Download and install the"EU Cookie Law GDPR (Blocker) - Google Consent Mode V2" and"Premium Google Tag Manager" modules from the PrestaShop marketplace or Developer sites.
    • Follow the installation instructions provided with the modules to properly configure each component.
  2. Configuring Banner Cookies:

    • Configure the cookie banner so that it appears correctly on all pages of your ecommerce.
    • Make sure the consent options are clear and easy for users to understand.
  3. Google Tag Manager Setup:

    • Use the premium Google Tag Manager module to integrate GTM into your site.
    • Set up GTM and the module as described in its manual.

Verification of the Integration of Mode Consent 2

Once you have integrated Mode Consent 2 into your website, it is essential to verify that everything is working properly. Here's how to do it:

1. Visual Check

  • Verify that the consent banner appears correctly on all pages of the website.
  • Make sure the consent options are clear and easily understood by users.

2. Using Debug Tools

  • Google Tag Assistant: Use Google Tag Assistant to check whether tags from Google Analytics, Google Ads and others are configured correctly and adhere to consent preferences.
  • DebugView in GA4: Use the DebugView feature in GA4 to monitor events in real time and verify that only allowed events are being tracked.

3. Controlling Network Requests

  • Use browser development tools (such as the "Network" tab in Chrome DevTools) to monitor network requests. Ensure that tracking requests are sent only after the user has given consent.
  • Verify that cookie-related requests comply with the user's consent preferences.

4. Real User Testing

  • Run usability tests with real users to make sure they understand the consent banner and can easily manage their preferences.
  • Gather feedback from users to identify any problems or areas for improvement.

5. Legal Review

  • Consider consulting a legal expert or privacy consultant to ensure that your implementation of Mode Consent 2 is fully compliant with applicable regulations.


Google's Mode Consent 2 is an essential tool for website owners who want to ensure compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR, improve user trust and optimize the performance of advertising campaigns. Not implementing it can lead to legal risks, trust issues and inefficiencies in digital marketing campaigns. Using tools such as GTM and CMP can simplify integration and consent management, ensuring that your website operates in compliance with regulations and user preferences. Verifying the integration is critical to ensure that everything is working properly and that the site complies with privacy laws.

Author: Loris Modena

Loris Modena


For Ind Loris Modena owner of Arte e Informatica, began working in the computer industry in 1989 as a systems engineer involved in the maintenance and installation of computer systems. He starts programming for the web in 1997 dealing with CGI programming in PERL and later moving to programming in PHP and JavaScript. During this period he approaches the Open source world and Linux server management.

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